About Me

Writing an “About Me” has been stressing me out so I’ve decided to just list some stuff about myself


  • I fucking love dogs. If I see a dog when I’m out and about, I will pet it (as long as its owner says I can, obviously) This is probably where my son gets it from
  • I’m originally from Toronto, Canada. Now I live in Northern Kentucky, and just find it easier to tell people I live in Cincinnati. I’ve fallen in love with Cincy, a lot of it reminds me of Toronto.
  • I absolutely love elephants, and collect elephant things. Red pandas are probably my second favorite animal.
  • Knob Creek or Basil Hayden are my go to bourbons. Bourbon is my go to liquor. A couple years ago, Kevin and I got really into bartending. I wanted to feel like I was making potions. I also enjoy most wine and craft beer. How hipster wine mom of me, right?
  • I’m a sucker for true crime documentaries & podcasts. Originally I wanted to go to school for criminology
  • I hate IPAs. Except Dogfish Head’s 120 minute IPA. My favorite beer is Southern Tier’s Warlock Imperial Stout, followed closely by Ballast Point’s Commodore, which is a cinnamon raisin beer that’s friggin delicious
  • I’m a pretty fantastic cook
  • I have pretty bad Generalized Anxiety Disorder as well as Bipolar II disorder.
  • I’m a huge trivia nerd, and need to make more friends to do trivia night with.
  • Taco Bell is my guilty pleasure
  • Pink is probably the only celebrity that I would get star struck and just cry or something embarrassing if I met. I fucking love her.
  • My son is named after the Beatles song Eleanor Rigby, not Rigby from Regular Show, unless that makes you think I’m cooler.
  • I fucking hate being late to things

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