365 Project: 8-5 to 8-11

08-05-18.jpgAugust 5th 2018
There’s gonna be a couple from this day because Kevin and Riggs were being cute and I managed to capture it. Here they were both sticking their face in fountains.08-06-18.jpgAugust 6th 2018
Also from the 5th. I just really like the way the fountains at Washington Park photograph. They light up at night, and I really need to go get some photos of that.08-07-18.jpg
_MG_0080.jpgAugust 7th 2018
Last ones from the 5th. Kevin was gliding Riggs along the stair fountain and he was having a blast.08-08-18.jpgAugust 8th 2018
Funny story about this stuffed otter. So, we have year passes for the Aquarium, and Rigby loves going. We went and he stopped in the gift shop at this otter and immediately ran around with it, trying to feed it juice from his sippy cup. He then named it Dog Dog. Now he sleeps with Dog Dog every night. Anyways, Riggs has been obsessed with his hat lately and decided that Dog Dog needed to wear it.08-09-18.jpgAugust 9th 2018
Kevin built me a planter! Isn’t it pretty?08-10-18.jpgAugust 10th 2018
It’s a little blurry, but I still like it.
August 11th 2018
This is actually from the 10th. Hanging out at Smale Park. I know I’ve said it before and I’ll likely say it millions more times, but Cincinnati has great parks.


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