Photodump: 365 Project v10/16: April 2019

Wow, I’m late in posting this one. Ideally, I would have posted April in the first week of May buuuuuuuut whatever. April was a month of dogs. Free events are starting to happen at Washington Park, which is always fun. I started doing some of the free workout classes, and then going to the adjacentContinueContinue reading “Photodump: 365 Project v10/16: April 2019”

Photodump: 365 Project v10/16: March 2019

So, I guess I’m just gonna compile each month into its own post. March was.. a month. We went to the zoo, which always make me immensely happy, and I saw Fiona for the first time! Riggs was sick a whole bunch, I dyed the tips of my hair pink (but I didn’t bleach myContinueContinue reading “Photodump: 365 Project v10/16: March 2019”

Photodump: Cross stitch projects!

To say I’ve taken to cross stitching is an understatement. I think I’ve mentioned it before, but it started with me seeing a tote bag on Pinterest or something, that had a bunch of embroidered veggies on it. I thought it was adorable, and considering we have so many reusable grocery bags, and regularly goContinueContinue reading “Photodump: Cross stitch projects!”

Photodump: 365 Project v10/16: February 2019

February was pretty good. I started going back to therapy in late January (my doctor had some stuff going on, so I didn’t get to see her at my usual intervals) and that really helped me process what was going on in my life. I’m feeling super over this crap weather and am ready forContinueContinue reading “Photodump: 365 Project v10/16: February 2019”

Photodump: 365 Project v10/16: January 2019

January was a rough month. My Nan passed away. She was, and still, is one of the most important people in my life. For one, she was just always so positive and loving, and the world needs more of that. Having that influence in my life made me more accepting of people, and embracing theContinueContinue reading “Photodump: 365 Project v10/16: January 2019”

Photodump: 365 Project v.10/16 December 2018

December! December was a trip. There was lots of cross stitching and house hunting. An amazing trip to Toronto for Xmas and then an unbearably tough end of the month. December 1st 2018 Forever ago I got some chalk powder from somewhere. The dollar store maybe? Anyways, Riggs and I threw a bunch of itContinueContinue reading “Photodump: 365 Project v.10/16 December 2018”

Photodump: 365 project v.10/16: November 2018

More 365 project! Here’s November! Overall it was a pretty good month. It hadn’t gotten grossly cold out yet. November 1st 2018 Dud photo that was in between photos where I was actually trying to get good photos, and I kinda liked it after I edited it.November 2nd 2018 The little white pumpkin was Rigby’sContinueContinue reading “Photodump: 365 project v.10/16: November 2018”

New 365 Project October 2018

I’ve never liked New year’s resolutions. It’s like fad diets. You do great for a few weeks, and boom, you’re back into your old bad habits. Also, there’s this pressure to do the whole new year new me nonsense, and it just feels like you’re “better-ing” yourself because society is telling you to instead ofContinueContinue reading “New 365 Project October 2018”

If at first you don’t succeed, fail 5 more times.

I betcha thought this blog was a goner, didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU? Well I’m back! Looks like August was my last post. Since then, I’ve celebrated 4 years of being married to Kevin, started a gym membership, lost a gallbladder, was diagnosed with liver disease, watched Riggs become a 2 year old, and had oneContinueContinue reading “If at first you don’t succeed, fail 5 more times.”