365 Project: 7-15 to 8-3

Again, I’ve skipped a bunch of days. I’ve been really bad about it being a true 365 project, but whatever. When I do manage to get some photos, it makes me happy. I’ve kinda come to the conclusion that 365 projects are more fun when they show what’s going on in your daily life thanContinueContinue reading “365 Project: 7-15 to 8-3”

365 Project: 4-16 to 5-16

Betcha thought the 365 project for 2018 was dead, didn’t you? Yeah, I did too. See, here’s the thing. I was doing really well until I got locked up in the psych ward, and I obviously couldn’t have a camera there. Then I was kinda more focused on yknow, getting mentally healthy and such andContinueContinue reading “365 Project: 4-16 to 5-16”

365 Photo Dump – April 9th to April 15th

This past weekend was fantastic. A bunch of our friends came from Virginia to visit and it was just one of those it’s been too long since we hung out kinda feels. It was awesome to see everyone and show them around Cincy. Anywho, I managed to actually stick to my using my camera goal,ContinueContinue reading “365 Photo Dump – April 9th to April 15th”

365 Photo Dump: March 14th through March 26th

Admittedly, my 365 project this year hasn’t used my camera nearly as much as I’d like (which is kinda the point of it) but I’m planning on making a goal for April to try and take every 365 shot with my camera. It’s just a matter of remembering to bring it with me everywhere. March 14thContinueContinue reading “365 Photo Dump: March 14th through March 26th”

365 Dump: March 2nd – March 13th

Unfortunately, a lot of these are lazy cell phone photos. I also kept forgetting my camera on key days we went out. It’s been a busy couple weeks haha. March 2nd 2018 While Riggs likes baths, evidently this is how he feels about when bubbles touch him. March 3rd 2018 Jack & Riggs cuddling. They’reContinueContinue reading “365 Dump: March 2nd – March 13th”

365 Dump – Feb 26th – Mar 1st

Time for another 365 Project photo dump! February 26th 2018 Doing some plant studying and drinking some Humble Pie. No really, that was the name of the wine. February 27th 2018 It’s been rainy and crummy lately, and I hadn’t yet talked to my photography guru, Justin (check him out, he’s awesome) who got meContinueContinue reading “365 Dump – Feb 26th – Mar 1st”

Bringing back the 365 project

I’ve attempted a 365 project 3 times. The first year (2014) I made it to late August, and got distracted with wedding stuff. The second year I only made it to March.  Last year I made it all the way to October. Even though you could say I “failed” each year, I managed to takeContinueContinue reading “Bringing back the 365 project”

Game Plan

Jotted down a few ideas about where to go from here with the blog Weekly posts; so far just Wednesday Wants, but something I could schedule weekly would be fun. I just dunno what yet. Recipes; our counter tops are supposed to be installed Monday (For those who don’t know, we had a pretty heftyContinueContinue reading “Game Plan”