Cast of Characters; Rigby

Have I mentioned I have a kid? Yeah, it’s still kinda weird to me too. Ideally, I won’t talk much about Rigby on here for a variety of reasons (he didn’t sign up for this, internet pervs, him googling himself in 16 years and finding his mom’s blog.) but seeing as how I’m currently a stay at home mom, and let’s admit it, he’s fucking adorable, he’s bound to show up a little bit on here.IMG_20171115_122730So, I have (had?) endometriosis. (I’ve since had an endometrial ablation which has curbed a lot of symptoms, hence the ?) I was diagnosed at 18 or 19, I don’t remember at this point, but went through the same bullshit a lot of people do when they’re dealing with the American health care system and any female reproductive problem. “Are you sure they’re just not strong menstrual cramps sweetie?” Insert shadiest side eye here.

Anyways, I was told if I did want to have kids, I’d likely end up having to have fertility treatments and if I tried to do things “the old fashioned way” that I’d be high risk. Honestly, I don’t care for kids (other than an elite few) so I was okay with this. It wasn’t really ever a goal of mine to be a mom, and I certainly didn’t want to deal with getting my hopes up and be heartbroken when things didn’t work out. Then in March 2015, I got pregnant. The old fashioned way. Actually, while on NuvaRing. PSA, if you’re on NuvaRing, don’t store that shit on the door. Put it in the actual fridge. Anywho, got pregnant, had a miscarriage and in that short amount of time decided
1) That hurt emotionally way more than I expected
2) “huh.. maybe eventually I would like a kid”
Cut to February 2016, I was going to have an endometrial ablation because my pain had gotten so bad and at my pre-op appointment the doctor  came in
“um… we can’t do the procedure”
“Why not?”
“Your pregnancy test came back positive”
“…well fuck.”
And after a pregnancy filled with terror, convinced until about the second he was cut out of me that he was gonna die, he showed up. Healthy, and totally normal. I’m not going to lie to you and say it was love at first sight because I puked shortly after they showed him to me.
Here’s where I kinda hit a block because I don’t know how much to write about him. He’s a year and 4ish months now. He loves Jack way more than he loves either of his parents. He points at dogs in public and yells “DAW!” because he can’t quite get the “G” sound at the end (I’m so proud) but gets shy when he has the opportunity to pet them. He’s figured out how to call people on my phone and has called my mom quite a few times. It’s funny because he holds the phone to his ear, but then holds it upside down. He’s the perfect mix of adventurous and cuddly. It’s so cliche, but I love watching him figure things out. I often will just sit there and watch him do stuff because I love trying to figure out how his brain works. I can’t wait to do crafts with him, or themed birthday parties based on whatever he wants (you want a tennis ball themed party? You got it) or homemade Halloween costumes (you wanna be a broom? We can do that) Surprisingly, it wasn’t too hard to find this mom part of my personality. I mean, I still think most parents nowadays are kinda scary (Fight me on it) but I’m at the point of constantly geeking out looking at him squealing stupid things like “Look at your leg! you’re such a little person!” and don’t foresee that stopping any time soon.


(PS, check that sweet Chuckie Finster costume!)

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