Wednesday Wants No.1

A long time ago, pre-Pinterest, I used to go to websites and just save photos of things I wanted off of them. I’d then sort them into folders obsessively and I’d check on Wednesdays for new stuff. The folder was called Window Shopping Wednesday, because alliteration. I figure what the hell, why not bring that same concept to the blog. Note: I’m not being paid for any of this advertising, I’m just a girl that likes pretty things

THESE. FUCKING. SHOES. Okay. So, when I was a kid I literally wore through a VHS of the Wizard of Oz by torturing my mother with “Again mommy! Play it again!” as soon as it would finish. Since then I’ve essentially always wanted a pair of “Dorothy shoes” And these shoes from Modcloth are fantastic. Sadly, they don’t have them in my size but the fact that they’re out there gives me hope haha.

Wanderlust Wine Lace Maxi Dress

Something you may or may not know about me is I only own about 2 pairs of pants. I live in dresses. If it’s too cold, I throw on leggings and a cardigan with said dresses. My mother in law joked with me this past Christmas “I never know what to get you because I’m not a girly girl, and I think I’ve seen you in pants maybe twice” This dress from Tobi is super cute

Dragon's Egg

I love Lush. I’ve tried so many other natural brands and I just keep coming back to them and their hella expensive bath bombs. I’ve only ever had a bad reaction from one product of the many I’ve tried over the year. The Dragon’s Egg is my absolute favorite, and it’s been a long time since I’ve had one. Honestly I could probably do a Window shopping list just of their store, easily.

Image result for codenames pictures

Board games are probably another one of my favorite things on Earth, and Codenames is just the right amount of difficult and weird. Codename Pictures is even harder. There’s a board game bar here that I played it at for the first time and the entire time I just found myself basically breaking the rules and messing up. It’s weird how some games, you can just suck at but still have an awesome time playing them. That’s how this is for me.

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