Cast of Characters ; Kevin

Honestly, I’ve been kinda dreading this one. I have the same “he didn’t sign up for this” mentality that I do with Riggs, but with him I could talk about when I was pregnant. How do you talk about your husband without it being too invasive?

I’ve known Kevin since we were 14, we met in geography class my first day of school in the United States (I’m from Canada by the way, Toronto, before you ask). We started dating when I was 16, and broke up for almost a year when I was 20. We got back together when I was 21, and have been together since. Basically he’s just kinda always been there.



You often hear the phrase “opposites attract”, and while I wouldn’t consider Kevin and I entire opposites, we do have certain traits that definitely are. He’s the rationality to my impulsivity, yet we’re both blunt, sometimes to the point of being off-putting. He’s math, I’m art…except he’s more artistic than me too.. honestly he’s good at pretty much everything he tries, while I’m too anxious to even try. We balance each other out, or whatever. Haha. No, but really, being with him keeps me being the best version of me I can be. As much as I love to talk the I’m a strong independent woman who don’t need no man talk, I need him. (I’m still hella strong and independent though) Honestly, without him, I very well could just give into my vices and be a hot mess. I’m not quite sure what I bring to the table a lot of days because he puts up with a lot of shit from me, and somehow still loves me. Okay, enough mush, he’s a bit of an asshole, I’m a bit of a bitch, and I love him more than anything*IMG_20171118_195846 (*except Jack)

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